The Calm Before the Storm
I had gone almost socially and publicaly silent for a couple of months. This was not by choice but I was busy experimenting with a lot of new things, had a few goals to achieve, learn new things and most of my time went in this. Still I have been wanting to write/blog about everything I tried, thing I learned, things I achieved and the challenging experience I had from past a few months but again time and the laziness was a big barrier.
Its not that I am completely free now and had nothing else to do than write a blog post but as I say I was learning things and one of the things which I iterated learning was managing my time. So yeah after managing my time I got a couple of moments in which I can share and write about things, I really have been longing to write about.
I am planning to roll out the blog post about these things in a weekly post manner i.e one post per week. This will give me enough time to write a quality post and since the reader would be able to appreciate them. These post range from a wide range of topics from my experimens with my diet, social life/facebook new feed, my achievement in these months from being and Intel Embedded Challenge Winner to working as a part time developer with HashiCorp and getting an Internship at BrowserStack while also discussing about the challenges I faced during this period.
Upcoming Blog Posts
These are some of the topics I have been wanting to write about and definitely as I write I will have more to share.
Being Technical Reviewer for PACKT Publishing
I got an offer from PACKT publishing to be a technical reviewer for one the their books on JQuery. I accpeted their offer but had to leave in between because of some reasons. There wasn’t any sort of contract. I would be blogging about my views on accepting the offer at first and reject it before even starting so that there isn’t any kind of loss.
Winning Intel India Embedded Challenge 2014
This was one of the best thing I had done in all the years I spent in college till now. I along with my two friends participated in Intel IEC 2014 and won the Jury’s popular choice award, a fat cash prize and a lot of fame. Official Results.Thanks to the team, this would not have been possible without Aditya Jindal and Shubham Chhabra. We built an “Ambulatory EEG and seizure alert system”. Will be discussing more on this in the post and all about the competetion. One thing I would not miss out here is that this was the best Judgement I have ever seen. The Jury was of the most notable alumni of top most institutions and corporates and comprised of Judges with very diverse fields Mangament, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Teachers, Proffesors and Doctors.
Algorithms and competetive programming
Honestly speaking I wasn’t much into Algorithms and competetive programming till I realised that things would be really tough if I would not practice enough Algorithms to crack interviews for Software Engineering Intern and yes from that point I started reading a lot of Algorithsm and would solve a few problems daily. I gradually developed interest and saw its intersection with Software Development. Obviously, you would never be able to write a good software unless you know your Algorithms and Data Structures. This thing wasn’t actually too obvious to me initially.
Software Developer Contractor for HashiCorp ATLAS
I am writing code for HashiCorp, YES you heard it right ! This was something I have been wanting to do since when I started programming but I didn’t know my interest because I never knew what DevOps is and what Distributed Systems is.I always wanted to make things which could communicate in real time and send data across machines, I developed a few multiplayer games and used Socket IO alot to make chat applications. But now I know what I want to do and I read a lot about distributed algorithms, protocols and networking. I can’t write much on this because of a contract but I would be blogging about my adventures with ATLAS.
Summer Internship 2015 at BrowserStack
I will be working with BrowseStack as a summer Intern this year. I will blog about the reasons why I chose BrowserStack to work for.
Blog Renovation
For now I have initialised this Queue for Blog posts with these topics and hope to make each post on time.
Apart from this I am planning to restructure my Blog and have some more features, I chose Jekyll and for hosting in a hurry when I started blogging, but this it definitely lacks SEO optimisations.
Restructuring the site is a less priority, and would do when I have enough time to design and plan a good one.
Was working on some big things, had to forgo some minor things and didn’t get much time to blog. Would be blogging about most of those things in upcoming posts.